Friday, July 15, 2011

Ever have one of those days?

Good thing my eating and exercise are on plan or it would really be a doozy of a day, but man. I'm wiped out and it's all because of the kids.

So, OK, I wake up this morning feeling refreshed and happy and alive. Both kids were still sleeping so I got to breakfast with my husband, alone this morning - so nice!

Then my little one wakes up and he's all happy and I can see he's doing better and he eats a big breakfast. But then it starts; he is not wanting to take his antibiotic. Then he refuses to go to the bathroom and to get dressed. I'm trying really hard to get to the gym on time for class and he's doing everything in his power to make me late.

At the same time, I'm trying to wake up my oldest son. We have to chase him to bed every night and force him out of bed every morning. The plan was that he would go to the gym with me when I went. It took me 45 minutes to get him out of the bed and he's refusing to go to the gym with me and says he will do something else for exercise. I don't trust him. Initial reasoning for not wanting to go? Because it's too early. Um, the class is at 10:45 am! Too early??? So, I finally give in and tell him that he MUST ride his bike then like he promised and not just for a little bit, but at least an hour.

So, I get to the gym and now the reluctant 6 year old is all excited about going to the gym, argh!!! I take the step class and it's hard, but I'm doing it. I have to leave in the last bit when they do ab work and cool down because I have to get to my son's Occupational Therapy appointment. When I go to get my son from the KidSpace area, he's crying because he doesn't want to leave. Is this the same kid who was whining about going? Yep!

We come home and I find my older son's brand new, $450 bike sitting in the driveway - available for anyone to steal! What? I go inside and he's sitting in the dining room eating. "I was just going to eat a snack and go out again." Well, hello? How long do you think it takes for someone to steal a bike? We have workers all over the place from the electrical company these days AND we live just off a walking path and near the lake and there are people walking by all the time. I don't care where you live - a bike left out like that is begging someone to steal it!

OK, next. We eat a quick lunch and my older son wants to take a shower. "A shower?", I ask. "Weren't you going to go back out and ride some more. Like you just said?" Well, yes he was, but wanted to take a 30 minute break and wanted to take a shower inbetween.!

Alright, we go to OT. That was a horrible appointment. He whined between each transition. Didn't give as much effort and it really was a waste to be there. There goes 3 hours of my day.

So, what's next? Oh, yes, the farmer's market. That went fairly well except I'm still incredibly disappointed with the selection at the market. This is the worst place in 10 years for buying fresh produce. I'll need to find a farm stand somewhere for this year and join  a CSA next year. But, at least we found peaches and plums. Now to the grocery store.

The grocery store was fairly uneventful except for the hassle of the self checkout not working properly, like always, so it took longer than I would expect.

OK, finally home at 3:30 pm. I'm starving so I make myself and my older son a fruit/yogurt smoothie. And well, OK at this point the day gets better. I found my older son on the couch reading a book. He had ridden hsi bike to the library and gotten some books and CDs. At least some success there in getting him off his butt today and off the computer for a bit. Then, my younger son who is afraid to try new foods wanted raspberries and strawberries and milk for his snack. That made me smile because a month ago he wouldn't even try these foods and now he's requesting them. So, it was right then and there that I realized that all this parenting stuff does have it's rewards, but man... some days are just t.o.u.g.h.!!!

Next couple days I won't have time to go to the gym, but I'll mow tomorrow and the day after that we are going canoing! That will make up for the lack of gym time. Both kids are looking forward to brunch and boating! Should be fun!

And to continue my fun day, I forgot to post this! Doy!

Stats for 7/15/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 197.8
Exercise total hours in 2011: 219
Total number of miles walked/biked in 2011: 601/1000

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