Monday, November 7, 2011

So busy yesterday, but a great day.

You would think with the extra hour given to us with Daylight savings, I would have more time in the day, but I didn't. I was just glad to have that hour to put to use!

Started at 7 am and having breakfast and showering and getting the clan out of the house by 9:30 am. Hubby needed to sort through some books and we had to load up both our cars to drive to Virginia. We had that much to do.

Then I taught Sunday school and dealt with a silent auction and then went to a meeting. After the meeting, we loaded the car back up and then went to the used bookstore to sell back used book from a charity book sale. Spent about 2 hours there.

Then we drove home, fed the kids, changed and got ready for my belated anniversary date with my husband. Drove about 45 minutes to get there, had a fabulous dinner (and I mean fabulous dinner) and then came home. We landed about 10:30 pm.

Shooed the older son off to bed and then winded down in bed talking with my spousal unit. Turned off the light at 11:30 pm and was exhausted. No way to write in the blog - at all.

It was all good though. While yesterday I was over in calories, it wasn't by huge amounts and it was well worth it. A splurge once in awhile is fine and I have to get used to planning such things every once in awhile.

It felt good to be able to wear a form fitting dress and to have no rolls of fat anywhere. While I'm definitely not at goal yet, I can look really nice! Hubby agrees and I love that he is enjoying the new thinner Melissa too.

I did bodypump on Saturday with my husband and oh boy am I still feeling it in my quads - wowzers! But, off to do bodystep today. I am focused to get to goal by my birthday and I only have a bit over a month to get there!!! And of course I had a gain on the scale with going out to eat! Eek! I must FOCUS on getting to goal!

Stats for 11/7/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 182.0
Total miles walked in 2011: 857/1000

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