Saturday, May 14, 2011

A couple big motivating numbers coming up!

Now that I am in what is most likely a two week stall out or a slow loss, if I'm lucky, I got to thinking about what's coming up to motivate me to keep pushing even with this stall. And I realized two things. One, in a bit over 5 pounds, I'll have lost 50 pounds. That in itself is a nice, round number, but also, that is how much weight I lost the last time I tried to lose weight. Exactly 50 pounds.  Way back then, that meant getting to 185. This time it will mean getting to 205, but still amount of weight lost shows amount of effort put in. I'm 13 years older this time, but the weight is coming off faster and I think for a couple reasons. First, my thyroid is mostly fixed and second, I'm eating better (no splurges and cravings of carbs since I'm mostly eliminated them).

The other big motivating number is the 200 mark. Every month (or better put for me, every monthly menstrual cycle) I have been losing 8-15 pounds. This last month it was 10 pounds. If I were to do that again THIS month, that would put me right at the 200 mark. I wouldn't mind facing my next stall out around the 199-200 mark! Getting out of the 200s will feel HUGE. I remember crying when I went over 200 pounnds and I know I will cry when I get under it.

But, if I don't get to what is affectionately called onederland the end of this cycle, I won't beat myself up about it or be upset, because then I know it will happen in the next cycle.

I can't believe I'm so close to both those magical numbers. That is purely unbelievable that I'm doing this. That I feel great and that I don't feel deprived (heck, yesterday I ate a McDonald's bacon angus cheeseburger because I was craving it. I worked it into my daily allowance and enjoyed it tremendously without overeating for the day). I'm really thinking that this will be easy for me maintain for life. I just never had the concept of what goes in, needs to go out in calories for the day. I can have the special moments and treats. I just can't add them without thinking of how to subtract them!

Another great thing I've discovered in the last few days is that I'm dropping a clothing size again. Way back in February or early March I bought two Lands End skorts in a size 14 and a pair of summer weight slacks in a size 14 at Goodwill. I remember 'hoping' I would get to that size sometime during the summer and probably not until late summer as at the time I was just solidly starting to wear a comfortable 18. Here it is the middle of May and those shorts and slacks FIT! The shorts almost perfectly, but would fit a bit more comfortably in about 5 pounds and the slacks in about 8-10 pounds, but I can get them on, zip them up and button them without needing to lie down on the bed. I can do it comfortably while standing up. That means I'm reallllllly close to being able to wear them. And since I have no casual t-shirts that fit or match these skorts, I went to Target yesterday to buy something and realized while there that I no longer needed to go to the plus sized area. Wow! XXL and XXXL and 1X and 2X are all too big now. Like way too big. I need an XL in regular sizes. That there made me realize too how close I am to those magical numbers. As my mother in law said about a month ago, "I'm beginning to look normal sized." And I am getting closer. I can feel bones. I can see muscles as the fat is melting away. It shouldn't feel strange to feel my obliques or my collar bone, but these are new things for me and it's making me realize I've come a long ways!

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now 211.2

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