Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger had issues - My day yesterday!

So weird to be writing this at 8 pm instead of before 8 am like I usually do, but blogger was out of commission for about 24 hours, so there was nothing I could do about it.

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog. Sleep has been really hard to come by and it's been killing me. It kept from getting to mulching yesterday as I just didn't have it in me. I repotted a couple things, planted a few more (a neighbor game me a plant holder and of course, I had to fill it with four new plants!) and spent about 3 hours in the yard yesterday, but not on mulching. I bought more mulch, but that's about as far as I went.

Well, I was really hoping that the sleep thing would happen as I hadn't exhausted myself as much in the yard, but... I got woken with restless legs again. It's such a vicious cycle. I get restless legs when I'm exhausted. It doesn't happen much now, but when I was pregnant and during bouts of insomnia, it strikes. So, I get exhausted, get restless legs and then I get less sleep, so that means I remain exhausted and the restless legs come back night after night.

I mentioned my restless legs on a forum and a gal there said that her yoga instructor said that this pose was great for restless legs. I didn't have a bolster, so my legs weren't straight and my butt wasn't up against the wall, but it was close and it worked! (which that was a picture of me doing that pose and that I looked that good!)

While looking for this pose this morning, I saw this link about yoga poses for insomnia. All of them deal with the legs/core, so I might try all of these. Here's the link:

After doing this pose for about 5 minutes, I was able to go back to sleep and slept 7 hours straight. I hadn't had a full night's sleep for several days, so this morning I felt GREAT!

Yet, the scale is beginning to do it's yo-yoing. I was up 9 ounces today. Go figure!

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 211.4 (a bit more than 43 pounds lost)
Exercise total hours in 2011: 150 hours
Walking/biking/running totals in 2011: 410/1000

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