Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well, my predictions were wrong

I had predicted that by the time I got the end of my cycle, I would probably get close to 200 pounds. Figuring 201 to 202. Well, nope. I'm down a bit today to put me at 203.2. My usual steady decline during these two weeks lasted for only a few days this time. Wah! I think it's because my working out has been lesser than. I do something every day, but it's not an hour. It's 30 minutes or what I do is long, but not strenuous. A lot of that has had to do with erratic sleep schedules of mine and my youngest son. And some headaches too. Or who knows. I'm definitely not eating too much. Heck yesterday I was running errands and didn't realize until 3 pm that the only thing I had eaten so far during the day was a protein shake! I seriously wasn't hungry. I ate a snack then and then ate a big (healthy) dinner, but was under 1000 calories for the day. I simply wasn't hungry! My guess hunger level for the next couple days will be lower. 100 degree weather is a natural appetite suppressant! Not that I plan to be hanging out in the heat, but I do need to clean out the garage and reorganize it so my mother in law can park in there which means being in the shade in the heat. And I'll have to go on watering duty to help all those young plants and those in pots too.

I must admit, my mood isn't the best this morning. Hormones anyone? I really could have used a drop on the scale this morning. But then again, we did have chicken fajitas last night for dinner and something about fajitas make me retain water. I won't give them up though. Besides the water retention, it's a nearly perfect meal and so yummy!

OK, off to start another day. I won't let the little guy sleep in this morning since I know he slept OK last night. This mama has plans today!

Stats for 6/8/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 203.2 (a bit more than 52 pounds lost)
Exercise total hours in 2011: 179
Biking/Walking totals in 2011: 472/1000

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