Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Toying with ideas

I'm still not down to my previous low, but it is a bit lower than yesterday, so I'll get there. Doesn't help that I took a rest day yesterday from exercise. I was just too tired (fighting off some bug - not getting sick, but feeling fatigued). And it must have been obvious that I was shutting down last night as I left out the milk (fortunately it was almost gone) and I forgot to put the bread on a rack, so the bottom got a bit soggy. Rest was probably a good idea.

Today I might double up on exercise - doing one video and then also doing the Walk It Out game. One in the morning, the other in the evening, breaking it up.

I'm also toying with the idea of continually doing that - walking every day and doing a video on either stretch, or strength, or aerobics, whatever. One in the first part of the day, the other in the evening. Part of it is that it's hard to fit in enough stretch, cardio and strength training in one day and in one sitting (I get bored doing it all at once). I might take a class at the gym. I don't think I'm interested in doing machines. I hate machines.

I'm also really motivated because, if I work hard, I could be at goal weight by my anniversary and definitely could be there by my birthday. I'm about at that pace right now, but it will get harder as I get closer, I know, but I've also done it before -keeping it a steady pace throughout. I figure while I'm not working, I should give it my all and, I know it will help me with job prospects if I look thinner and fitter. Weight discrimination is alive and strong and I know it. I also know attractive people get hired faster and well, I'm a lot more attractive when I'm thin than when I'm tubby.

But I don't want to go overboard and get all crazy. Right now I'm eating about 1600 calories a day and I'm not hungry. I'm eating filling foods that are healthy and yummy (the last few days we've been eating Indian - super yum and it's beans and cheese and veggies. Best of all, my too thin son has been devouring the food too, so I know it's good for all of us). This is not a race, and I don't want to get disappointed in myself if I actually don't meet the goal, but I want to push myself a little bit harder because, at least for right now, I think I can. Wouldn't it be great to celebrate my 18th wedding anniversary at my wedding weight (which is higher than my goal) or even less? To reach my 42nd birthday being really close to my ideal weight? Just spending that year of 42 getting fitter and finding a good maintenance weight for myself?

And now is an easier time to push it a bit - the days are getting longer and warmer and opportunities to do more is everywhere. I can garden (burns tons of calories). I can walk around the lake with my neighbor. I can go to the pools with my kids. I can ride a bike and so on.

Of course, I say this a day after I just took a break and did NO exercise, but those days happen to. I've been averaging 6 days a week and I think that's fine -it's life, really.

My official goal is to lose a pound a week which would put me around 200 for the end of the year. RIght now I'm losing more like 2 lbs a week, which would put me at 175 by October 15th (my anniversary) and that's 15 pounds lighter than when I got married.  I'm not trying to put too much pressure on myself and I will not starve myself to get there, but I think I can push a bit harder and still feel happy and not overly anxious about it. We'll see. I might change my mind next week, but I'm going to try!

Stats for 3/8/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now 236.2

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