Sunday, June 17, 2012

Another year to honor my husband on Father's Day!

This morning started out so nice. My younger son slept in because he was up late last night at that party on the Bay. It's another cool, low humidity day too. My husband's requests for the day are pretty modest  - he asked for crepes for breakfast, which I made and we were able to eat outside on the deck. It was slow and leisurely and wonderful.

Then we went outside to garden some more. I transplanted a few plants from the shady bed to the front yard that needed more sun and then we tried to even out the soil around the two side flower beds and planted a few shade perennials.

Now we're in the house watching the soccer game between German and Denmark. After that's over, I'm giving my husband the rest of the day off and I'll work with mulching with my older son. I don't think we'll get it all mulched today, but we have another beautiful, low humidity day tomorrow and we should be able to finish it up then.

But back to my husband. In addition to him being a huge help with the yard these days, I see all the time what a wonderful father he is. Yesterday at the bay, he was hanging out with my son, got him in his suit, showered him up when he was out of the sea and got him dressed again.  Those little things are the things that matter. Those little things are things my dad never did even when he was still a part of our lives. And he doesn't do it because I tell him to. He does it because he wants to - because he is part of his kids' lives.

My older son and he have a great, great relationship. They are two peas of the same pod. They practically look like clones separated by a generation (my son just have reddish hair while my husband has black hair) - with only my smile being a giveaway that he might actually be my son too. They carry on conversations that are way over my head in technical language and while there is a line of parent/child, there's a mutual respect there too and they like each other.

With my younger son, it's still so much of the little kid/adult  relationship, but it always warms my heart when the little guy wants his dad over me for anything - spending time with, putting him to bed, etc. I love that they are building their own relationship and it's not just mom that is wanted all the time like it used to be.

I see that my husband likes being a father. It's something he always wanted and he's good at it, but I'm also glad we are through the rough years of parenting - the super intensive years. I'm glad that we have a relationship beyond "we are these kids' parents". We have a friendship that goes beyond that - and hopefully one that is lifelong.

But for today I am honoring him as the father of my children. I chose a good one! One of my better decision in life - marrying and becoming parents with Sven.

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