Sunday, October 30, 2011

My perspective of this month as it winds down

This month was very difficult and now that our lives are beginning to return to normal (not quite there yet as my mother in law is having a bad allergic reaction still and barely eating as her mouth heals from the outbreak), I can look at this month and see it for the victory it really is.

Yes, I haven't exercised in 3 weeks. Yes, I have barely lost anything this month, but... I didn't turn to food. I didn't 'want' to miss exercise and I didn't want to give up. Life just got a bit out of control and I handled the curve balls as well as I could. I know that starting on Tuesday, I'll be back at the gym and doing what I was doing for months - just having to jump back in and moving on. I can still make my goal of 175 by my birthday too.

I cannot and will not beat myself up for this month of slow loss on the scale. Period.

Stats for 10/30/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 181.0

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