Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy 18th Anniversary to me and hubby!

We were going to go out this evening, but then my husband remembered we had that party to go to yesterday, so we are going out next weekend. Today we did body pump together. I snapped a picture of the two of us as it was funny that we both grabbed gray shorts and a yellow top to wear to the gym - and who does a workout together on their anniversary? (Super blurry as I was unable to get a picture in the mirror properly). Sven still is 12-15 pounds lighter than me despite being 6.5" taller!

Then we cleaned downstairs and then I decorated for Halloween with my youngest and made Halloween cookies.

But get this. As you know, my MIL lives with us and she tells us her every move if we like it or not. This morning, she was up and dressed a bit early (she tends to stay in bed until 10 am). But, I didn't think much of it. She was in a strange mood and wished us a Happy Anniversary, but it was kind of said in a way that was out of obligation, not that she 'felt' it. We had breakfast and then we hurried to get ourselves and the youngest off to the gym.

We came home and there's a note that she is going to the opera.

Now, I could care less if she wanted to go to the opera, but when she's gone before (it's held in the Imax movie theater near us and it's a live recording of a Metropolitan Opera broadcast around to various Imax theaters - at least I think it's live), she's told us about it, reminding us about it, etc. She has made NO MENTION of going to an opera since she's been back from Europe. Why? I think she felt guilty for going out on our anniversary and not offering to stay home so that maybe we could go if we wanted to go. Or, offering to watch the kids so that we could do something else.

Really, she has no obligation to watch the kids and if she had plans for today (as it's not like the opera production comes every week), but that she was so secretive about it bugs the crap out of me. She just proves over and over again what a selfish piece of #($*! she is.

But, the upside is that she was gone for hours today and so we had the house without her constant presence and comments. So, I'm glad she was gone - that was the best gift she could give us...

Stats for 10/15/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 183.4
Total hours exercised in 2011: 280
Total miles walked in 2011: 825/1000

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