Now that we finally got our tickets ordered, we have to get the rest planned. Last night I got really scared when I started looking for apartment rentals in two touristy cities in Croatia. Two months to go and a lot of things are filled up. Panic!!! So, I emailed 68 places for the main tourist attraction (Dubrovnik) and 15 of the other (Biograd).
This morning I had about 30 responses and thankfully 2/3s of them are workable - but then there is figuring out if it would work for us. And you have to look closely. Like two or three sounded perfect. Even the pictures looked great, but then you realize there is no living room. One place had three bedrooms with two twin beds in each and then a single bathroom and a teeny kitchen that could seat two - that's it. No sofas. No side chairs. It really is a place to sleep and have coffee and leave for the day. That might work for singles or young couples, but for kids and senior citizens, it's not going to work. One was so bad that the kitchen was in the bedroom - if you can call it a kitchen with a miniature sink, a single cooking burner and one cabinet - no fridge. Those rent for about $150 a night.
Of course, we could go all luxury and it would be easy, but we don't have thousands of dollars to get luxury, so... being tight on money and high on demands I spent 9 hours today sifting through all the "yes we have an apartment for your dates" as I didn't look at property details before emailing. if it had enough beds, they got shot an email. I could get picky later.
That, of course, meant that I sat on my arse all day long. Do you know you get less hungry when you barely move a muscle all day? I walked to my son's school to and from this morning, but had to drive this afternoon as it was pouring rain. This entire week is slipping away from me in regard to exercise. I'm just soooooooo busy. Doesn't help that my husband is away on a conference now and we are trying to make these arrangements via internet because at this point every day really does matter in planning. While I was researching apartments - one of the nicer possibilities got booked. Eek!
But I'm doing well otherwise. My shoulder was giving me twinges last night - even hurting me a bit while I was sleeping so it might not be as OK as I am thinking it is, but it's been fine with mowing and hauling bedding plants. I HOPE really hope to get to gardening this upcoming week when things quiet down a bit. Of course, I'm also starting a part-time job, so wow... time just got crunched some more!
Glad to see I was out of the 170s again!
Stats for 5/8/12:
Highest weight: 275 Now: 169.6
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