Sunday, April 8, 2012

The good, the bad and the huh....

So, let's start with the 'huh'. Yesterday I decided, among everything else I was planning on doing (which was a lot) that I would try to run. I was going to be smarter about it this time. I was going to warm up my muscles first. I was going to stretch my muscles before running. I was going to follow a plan of running. Heck, earlier in the day I even broke down and bought Depends for better protection for any leaks I might have. I was ready.

Well, it started well. I did everything properly and then I started to run. It felt good, but I was leaking like mad - every single step for the first quarter mile (and yes, I had emptied my bladder just before starting).

It just started to feel all wrong and then I got to about three-tenths of a mile and I worried I wouldn't make it. At four-tenths of a mile I stopped. My heart was racing, my throat was sore and feeling constricted. I was running too fast or something, even though my watch said it was 4 minutes something for where I stopped and I'm not sure exactly how far I made it - I don't have tenths of a mile mapped out - just kind of figured in my head. It would have been close to a 5:30 half mile or worse.

I felt defeated and awful. I knew walking a quarter mile wasn't going to help me and I wasn't liking the feeling of a thickened pad in my underwear. I went home and asked my husband to join me in a walk - which he had planned to do after my run, but the run ended faster than either of us expected. I had planned to run 1.5 miles yesterday with breaks. I made it .4 - maybe. Ugh...

So, how did I find my pace the first time I ran and not this time? Was starting cold maybe keeping my pace slower whereas starting warm made me start too fast? Or was I even faster than last time? I wish I knew!

Now let's go to the good - yesterday, with all I had to do for getting ready for Easter, I did manage to walk 2.7 miles and watch a movie with my husband in the evening. I did a grocery store run, made dinner, made 4 loaves of Easter bread (froze two for next Sunday's Orthodox Easter), made the ham, boiled the eggs, made lemon curd and meringue cookies - a butt load of them, and helped my kids with coloring Easter eggs - oh and cleaned up after myself with all that mess (and it was a lot of mess!). Eating was clean too. Normally on busy days like that I would skip exercise. I didn't skip it. It didn't turn out as well as I hoped, but I didn't just throw in the towel. I took a brisk walk to get some movement in at least. And in the past, I would be running behind and too tired for a movie. I wasn't too tired. I was able to watch a movie. So, while my fitness isn't exactly peachy yet, I definitely manage my time better and have way more energy than even last year when I was already well on my way with losing weight and getting more fit.

But there is the bad too. I had a plan to not overeat today on Easter and I did enjoy a bit more than I should. I had a slice of banana bread and several lemon meringue cookies. In the end it's a maintenance day and way heavy on the carbs, so I'm sure I'll see a big jump up on the scale tomorrow. It was going great until about 7 pm. I guess the good is that I didn't devour any of the kid's candies from their Easter baskets, but I was surely tempted by the gourmet chocolate cream eggs! Egad!

Tomorrow is Body Pump and Body Step.

Stats for 4/8/12:

Highest weight: 275  Now: 171.8
Total hours worked out in 2012: 68/250

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