Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last day... going on vacation!

And I took photos, HOWEVER... no time to post them. Hopefully the yard/flower beds will be in decent shape when I get back. If not I can look back and say, "Well, it 'was' nice!"

I've had so little sleep and my brain is so foggy. It's that long term lack of sleep going on right now too. Reminds me so much of when we had a young baby. I don't miss that feeling. Young baby? Pfft.... for us, it meant someone was still in diapers - as they were HORRIBLE sleepers. So glad that this sleep deprivation will come to an end right quick. I can't handle many more days of this!

I think everything is set. I sure hope so as I'm about out of time. Just time for a shower, buying a couple ebooks and making dinner and doing those dishes - then off to the airport and then overseas. WOW!!!