Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Well, I said I would change my image back to a pizza slice

But, I'm not going to do it. My weight keeps coming down and my monthly visitor came today. That water weight will leave me very soon, so why torture myself with making it seem like I've slid backwards when all I've been experiencing are normal blips.

And my mood is lifting. Very odd that this month I didn't feel any strong ovulation signs - outward signs like I usually do, but I had a big whoosh like months past and I was super moody for 3-4 days before TTOM started. Not snippy, just a bit down in the dumps.

I think getting raking done yesterday really helped me. I was out there for four hours - taking my frustrations out on the yard. I'm 'almost' finished. I have a big pile in the front yard to rake up and then when I can get to it (little by little) there is a mountain of leaves under the fire bushes and around our deck. WHo knows the last time that was raked. So far 60 bags used. I didn't bag the side yard as I need to kill the grass alongside the garage for a flowerbed, so I piled it all up there quite thick to speed up the job for this spring. Hopefully it will rain on it enough today before the winds hit later this afternoon. Speaking of rain, it's not rainy now and I might bag up the leaves in the front yard that remain while the weather holds out. (Ran out of sun last night to finish up). With all the leaves, I would need between 90-100 bags - stuffed full to the top - compacted as much as I can get them too. A crazy amount of leaves!

Plan for today is to run errands (bank, grocery store and pharmacy) and then I'm tackling my sewing/craft room. I need to have that room together. I think that is bugging me too that my room is always an unusable mess - the "no man's land' of dumping stuff. Part of that will include donating a ton of stuff as there's too much in there to ever be used. And, since I'm in a purging mood, it should go fast! A charity is coming by Friday morning to pick up stuff, so that is even more motivation to get things out of here!

Stats for 11/29/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 176.2
Miles walked in 2011:  947/1000

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