Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yawn! Today will be a tough one.

My little guy I think is fighting some bug. He was awake at 3 am for water and was talking to me through his door on and off since 5:30 am. I'm not sure he ever fell back asleep which happens to him sometimes. He just had to tell me he was hearing the mourning dove. There was a whole chorus of birds making a racket this morning, but I love having my windows open.

I need to finish mowing our yard today. I only got the front yard done and then it started to rain. I also need to dig a ridge to stick a fence down in the ground around our turtle nest.

That was my big surprise yesterday. I was carrying groceries when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked and it was a big turtle and she was digging a hole with her back legs! What? She was laying her eggs in my front yard. I guess that spot felt just right. I did some researching online and it's best to leave them alone (and with dwindling turtle populations, in some states it's illegal to move or destroy their nests) and if possible protect it from predators. Since this nest is in my front yard, there is also a big risk of us stepping on it. It's less than 2 feet from the sidewalk leading to our front door. Here she is digging (click on it to view it better):

So, I went to Home Depot and bought some fencing. I shaped it to make it and place it out there last night, but now I need to bury it a bit to keep critters from digging under it and to anchor it. It will be a pretty little eyesore in my yard because it takes 45-90 days for turtles to hatch and I learned if it's a cool and less moist summer, they baby turtles can overwinter in their eggs! How odd is that? But most likely, since she buried them in a sunny spot, they will hatch in August - anywhere from 3-20 baby turtles (most likely 3-9).

Not sure what my exercise will be today besides mowing. Probably walking around the lake a couple times. That was my plan yesterday. That walk is so invigorating and gets the heart pumping. I love a good walk, especially now that my shins don't bug me! Yay! Success!

Scale is still up, but pizza for supper (high sodium) and it's hot in the house, so I'm holding water. I'm just thankful it didn't go up even higher!

Stats for 5/24/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 210.4 (a bit more than 45 pounds lost)
Exercise total hours for 2011: 1652.25 hours
Biking/Walking totals for 2011: 431.5/1000

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