Friday, August 5, 2011

Beginning to seriously think about the job market as fall approaches

We said when kids were in full time school, I would go back to work. Well, that was last year as kindergarten is full day here in Maryland. We decided, in the end, to have me stay home one more year as the little guy might need extra support with his autism and too many changes too fast might be hard on him. Also, my older son was starting high school and well, needed the same thing - mom around and stability. However, here we are, pretty much adjusted to life  and we need the money in the bank.

I have no idea what to do or where to look. That's probably the scariest part of it. I really just want something not very stressful, flexible and normal hours. I know I'll probably have to do some grunt work as I head back in after years and years off, but that's OK. So, time to polish up the resume (again) and to start scouring websites for job openings.

One thing I have going for me now is that I've lost enough weight to look more normal sized, so I'll feel more confident and I will appear more healthy. Those things do matter once you get to the in person interviews.

Anyway, that's a project for next week. I'm busy today and this weekend. But soon, very soon.

Stats for 8/05/11:

Beginning weight: 255.6  Now: 193.4
Exercise total hours in 2011: 234
Total miles walked in 2011: 649/1000


  1. It seems like it would be so easy once the kids are all in school to just go back to work, but dang with all the half days, snow days, sick days, holiday vacation days, and summer break, and heck our school even started throwing in 3/4 days two years ago, it is REALLY, REALLY hard to juggle a job, plus add in the factor I need a job that starts at 9:15 and ends at 2:45.....not easy. At least not without an excellent support sytem that you can rely on. With your oldest being in high school and your MIL living with you, that might help. I work from home, but gosh how I am itching to get out into the world!

  2. Ah! This is so true and something my husband doesn't understand. I 'need' a job that offers a lot of flexibility because of everything you mentioned. This past month both my kids were sick. I have to have a job I can leave if my kids are sick (for the younger one especially). I want to be able to see class presentations, be able to chaperone kid's trips and so on. A commute that is 10 minutes or less is almost a must. I simply cannot waste 1-2 hours of my day sitting in a car just driving to and from work.

    That my MIL is living with us is debatable on whether or not that's a help. She won't watch after school. and she's a pretty hands off grandma (never has taken my youngest son anywhere - ever - and he's 6). But, she could do an early pick up or deal with minor things here and there (if she's here and not traveling).
